Chapter 5 Case study II: PBO

5.1 Importing the data

To illustrate and make the analysis we will use 5 as the number of dimensions for the benchmark functions

d_pbo <- read_csv('data/pbo.csv') %>% 
  select(algId, DIM, funcId, runs, succ, budget) %>% 
  filter(DIM==16) %>%
  mutate(algId_index = as.integer(as.factor(algId)))

#vector with the names in order
benchmarks <- seq(1,23)
algorithms <- levels(as.factor(d_pbo$algId))

5.2 Preparing the Stan data

pbo_standata <- list(
  N = nrow(d_pbo),
  y_succ = as.integer(d_pbo$succ),
  N_tries = as.integer(d_pbo$runs),
  p = d_pbo$algId_index,
  Np = as.integer(length(unique(d_pbo$algId_index))),
  item = as.integer(d_pbo$funcId),
  Nitem = as.integer(length(unique(d_pbo$funcId)))
irt2pl <- cmdstan_model('models/irt2pl.stan') 
fit_pbo <- irt2pl$sample(
  data= pbo_standata,
  seed = seed,
  chains = 4,
  iter_sampling = 4000,
  parallel_chains = 4,
  max_treedepth = 15

To load the fitted model to save time in compiling this document


5.3 Diagnostics

Getting the draws from the posterior

draws_a <- fit_pbo$draws('a')
draws_b <- fit_pbo$draws('b')
draws_theta <- fit_pbo$draws('theta')

5.3.1 Traceplots




5.3.2 Rhat and Effective samples

fit_pbo$summary(c('a','b', 'theta')) %>% 
  kable(caption='Summary values fit of the model, including effective samples and Rhat', 
      digits =3,
      format='html') %>% 
  kable_styling() %>% 
Table 5.1: Summary values fit of the model, including effective samples and Rhat
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
a[1] 3.934 3.707 1.837 1.837 1.355 7.305 1.000 10482.518 6617.247
a[2] 3.937 3.701 1.817 1.798 1.391 7.285 1.000 11107.081 6472.795
a[3] 2.713 2.411 1.483 1.351 0.885 5.567 1.000 12066.342 9175.795
a[4] 3.464 3.189 1.716 1.665 1.192 6.686 1.000 21378.536 10784.405
a[5] 2.706 2.367 1.511 1.370 0.888 5.625 1.000 10187.985 8808.061
a[6] 3.460 3.155 1.728 1.671 1.196 6.756 1.000 22233.362 11142.743
a[7] 1.777 1.699 0.565 0.532 1.006 2.816 1.000 9235.783 11044.112
a[8] 5.405 5.220 1.727 1.693 2.877 8.540 1.000 12518.009 11842.410
a[9] 4.112 3.928 1.424 1.379 2.097 6.707 1.000 11774.405 10021.930
a[10] 0.062 0.059 0.031 0.029 0.015 0.117 1.000 6929.124 3558.016
a[11] 3.449 3.170 1.692 1.636 1.206 6.663 1.000 20504.043 11361.605
a[12] 2.916 2.611 1.593 1.532 0.900 5.968 1.000 10505.108 7419.611
a[13] 3.449 3.151 1.722 1.662 1.202 6.678 1.000 21554.343 11428.768
a[14] 1.467 1.408 0.419 0.389 0.890 2.249 1.000 9334.328 10855.270
a[15] 2.943 2.645 1.606 1.527 0.912 6.013 1.000 10472.136 7012.017
a[16] 4.981 4.789 2.025 2.068 2.009 8.585 1.000 13988.593 8593.783
a[17] 1.398 1.274 0.661 0.600 0.571 2.647 1.000 10909.801 8282.476
a[18] 0.497 0.484 0.132 0.126 0.306 0.735 1.001 8682.765 9710.728
a[19] 1.138 1.055 0.470 0.421 0.537 2.014 1.000 8857.538 9008.410
a[20] 0.527 0.491 0.189 0.162 0.289 0.888 1.000 11049.366 11073.602
a[21] 0.428 0.403 0.142 0.125 0.245 0.694 1.001 11939.433 11161.840
a[22] 0.622 0.582 0.231 0.209 0.325 1.056 1.000 10627.937 9775.536
a[23] 2.672 2.581 0.837 0.808 1.467 4.192 1.000 11187.964 9926.076
b[1] -0.683 -0.629 0.739 0.669 -1.930 0.389 1.002 1619.587 3916.449
b[2] -0.674 -0.616 0.742 0.672 -1.901 0.397 1.002 1711.981 3375.299
b[3] -1.988 -1.733 1.347 1.120 -4.570 -0.285 1.001 4367.543 6005.187
b[4] -3.430 -3.185 1.747 1.710 -6.657 -1.031 1.001 8847.775 10212.229
b[5] -2.004 -1.759 1.347 1.138 -4.580 -0.277 1.001 4252.917 6468.271
b[6] -3.469 -3.217 1.771 1.698 -6.777 -1.026 1.000 8131.056 10593.452
b[7] 0.634 0.633 0.581 0.589 -0.326 1.573 1.003 1371.617 2689.014
b[8] -0.047 -0.041 0.573 0.588 -0.988 0.885 1.003 1285.212 2596.902
b[9] -0.157 -0.151 0.586 0.598 -1.131 0.795 1.003 1325.181 2864.499
b[10] -3.540 -3.523 2.295 2.220 -7.331 0.158 1.000 13997.424 8994.802
b[11] -3.435 -3.179 1.759 1.698 -6.716 -1.038 1.000 9022.686 10282.626
b[12] -1.500 -1.300 1.158 0.948 -3.673 -0.027 1.001 3084.613 4728.449
b[13] -3.470 -3.233 1.769 1.729 -6.731 -1.010 1.000 7954.683 9611.534
b[14] 1.101 1.099 0.593 0.608 0.127 2.067 1.003 1465.963 3178.756
b[15] -1.486 -1.288 1.154 0.928 -3.671 -0.038 1.001 3176.183 4225.810
b[16] -0.346 -0.331 0.604 0.606 -1.345 0.608 1.002 1349.709 3100.828
b[17] -1.455 -1.308 1.087 0.957 -3.455 0.009 1.001 3207.599 5478.346
b[18] 1.573 1.578 0.709 0.702 0.401 2.738 1.002 2073.487 4520.739
b[19] -0.768 -0.695 0.835 0.786 -2.238 0.472 1.002 2082.773 4329.199
b[20] -3.476 -3.298 1.558 1.481 -6.347 -1.254 1.001 6173.014 8820.348
b[21] -4.062 -3.890 1.653 1.598 -7.018 -1.678 1.001 6832.772 9577.002
b[22] -2.553 -2.388 1.367 1.277 -5.032 -0.633 1.001 4999.038 6668.300
b[23] 0.355 0.360 0.571 0.584 -0.595 1.275 1.003 1314.129 2899.819
theta[1] 1.504 1.496 0.633 0.638 0.464 2.545 1.003 1619.499 3267.244
theta[2] 4.385 4.290 1.187 1.150 2.589 6.494 1.001 5924.706 9161.527
theta[3] 6.048 5.931 1.520 1.503 3.761 8.694 1.000 9604.680 9284.926
theta[4] 6.544 6.432 1.614 1.605 4.080 9.362 1.000 11620.501 10261.762
theta[5] 6.041 5.913 1.526 1.483 3.736 8.721 1.001 9097.508 10472.750
theta[6] 6.060 5.944 1.535 1.500 3.725 8.758 1.000 8938.844 9589.486
theta[7] 1.947 1.939 0.675 0.669 0.847 3.077 1.003 1801.573 3782.787
theta[8] 0.885 0.886 0.587 0.601 -0.083 1.850 1.003 1391.774 3299.372
theta[9] -0.161 -0.155 0.581 0.601 -1.120 0.777 1.003 1303.435 2552.924
theta[10] 0.681 0.679 0.580 0.598 -0.277 1.625 1.003 1363.143 2642.354
theta[11] -0.084 -0.081 0.565 0.583 -1.021 0.833 1.003 1252.784 2728.216
theta[12] 0.416 0.420 0.567 0.580 -0.518 1.337 1.003 1287.660 2742.103

5.4 Results

fit_summary_a_b <- fit_pbo$summary(c('a','b'))
fit_summary_a <- fit_pbo$summary(c('a'))
fit_summary_b <- fit_pbo$summary(c('b'))
fit_summary_theta <- fit_pbo$summary(c('theta'))

5.4.1 Difficulty and discrimination

Table for the benchmark functions

table_benchmarks <- fit_summary_a_b %>% 
  select('Benchmark ID'=variable, 
         'CI 5%'=q5,
         'CI 95%'=q95)

table_benchmarks$'Benchmark ID'<-rep(benchmarks,2)

      caption='Summary values of the discrimination and difficulty level parameters for the PBO benchmarks', 
      digits =3,
      linesep = "") %>% 
  kable_styling() %>% 
  pack_rows("Discrimination value (a)",1,23) %>% 
  pack_rows("Difficulty level (b)",23,46)
Table 5.2: Summary values of the discrimination and difficulty level parameters for the PBO benchmarks
Benchmark ID Median CI 5% CI 95%
Discrimination value (a)
1 3.707 1.355 7.305
2 3.701 1.391 7.285
3 2.411 0.885 5.567
4 3.189 1.192 6.686
5 2.367 0.888 5.625
6 3.155 1.196 6.756
7 1.699 1.006 2.816
8 5.220 2.877 8.540
9 3.928 2.097 6.707
10 0.059 0.015 0.117
11 3.170 1.206 6.663
12 2.611 0.900 5.968
13 3.151 1.202 6.678
14 1.408 0.890 2.249
15 2.645 0.912 6.013
16 4.789 2.009 8.585
17 1.274 0.571 2.647
18 0.484 0.306 0.735
19 1.055 0.537 2.014
20 0.491 0.289 0.888
21 0.403 0.245 0.694
22 0.582 0.325 1.056
Difficulty level (b)
23 2.581 1.467 4.192
1 -0.629 -1.930 0.389
2 -0.616 -1.901 0.397
3 -1.733 -4.570 -0.285
4 -3.185 -6.657 -1.031
5 -1.759 -4.580 -0.277
6 -3.217 -6.777 -1.026
7 0.633 -0.326 1.573
8 -0.041 -0.988 0.885
9 -0.151 -1.131 0.795
10 -3.523 -7.331 0.158
11 -3.179 -6.716 -1.038
12 -1.300 -3.673 -0.027
13 -3.233 -6.731 -1.010
14 1.099 0.127 2.067
15 -1.288 -3.671 -0.038
16 -0.331 -1.345 0.608
17 -1.308 -3.455 0.009
18 1.578 0.401 2.738
19 -0.695 -2.238 0.472
20 -3.298 -6.347 -1.254
21 -3.890 -7.018 -1.678
22 -2.388 -5.032 -0.633
23 0.360 -0.595 1.275
mcmc_intervals(draws_a) +
  labs(x='Discrimination parameter (a)',
       y='Benchmark function ID',
       title='Discrimination parameter distribution (PBO)')
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

mcmc_intervals(draws_b) +
  labs(x='Difficulty level parameter (b)',
       y='Benchmark function ID',
       title='Difficulty level parameter distribution (PBO)')
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

5.4.2 Ability

Creating a table

table_algorithms <- fit_summary_theta %>% 
         'CI 5%'=q5,
         'CI 95%'=q95)

table_algorithms$Algorithms <- algorithms

      caption='Summary values of the ability level of the algorithms (PBO)', 
      digits =3,
      linesep = "") %>% 
Table 5.3: Summary values of the ability level of the algorithms (PBO)
Algorithms Median CI 5% CI 95%
(1+(λ,λ)) GA 1.496 0.464 2.545
(1+1) EA_>0 4.290 2.589 6.494
(1+1) fGA 5.931 3.761 8.694
(1+10) EA_{r/2,2r} 6.432 4.080 9.362
(1+10) EA_>0 5.913 3.736 8.721
(1+10) EA_logNormal 5.944 3.725 8.758
(1+10) EA_normalized 1.939 0.847 3.077
(1+10) EA_var_ctrl 0.886 -0.083 1.850
(30,30) vGA -0.155 -1.120 0.777
EDA 0.679 -0.277 1.625
gHC -0.081 -1.021 0.833
RLS 0.420 -0.518 1.337
mcmc_intervals(draws_theta) +
  labs(x=unname(TeX("Ability level ($\\theta$)")),
       title='Ability level parameter distribution (PBO)')
## Scale for 'y' is already present. Adding another scale for 'y', which will
## replace the existing scale.

5.4.3 Item information

We will use the same functions from the BBOB case study

Creating a single data frame

item_information_df <- NULL
for(i in seq(1:length(benchmarks))){
  iinfo <- item_info_with_intervals(a=a,b=b,item = i,thetamin = -7, thetamax = 5)
  item_information_df <- rbind(item_information_df,iinfo)

Now we can create an information plot for every item

item_information_df %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = 'pars', values_from = 'Information') %>% 
    geom_line(aes(y=median), color='black')+
    # geom_line(aes(y=q05), color='red', linetype='dashed')+
    # geom_line(aes(y=q95), color='blue', linetype='dashed')+
               ncol=4) +
    labs(title='Item information curve (PBO)',
         x=unname(TeX("Ability ($\\theta$)")),
         color='Information interval')+
    theme_bw() +
    theme(legend.position = 'bottom')

5.4.4 Test information

We can also look at the test information. First, we need to pivot wider so we can sum the items

test_information_df <- item_information_df %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = 'item', values_from = 'Information') %>% 
  mutate(TestInfo = dplyr::select(., -theta, -pars) %>% rowSums()) %>% 
  dplyr::select(theta, pars, TestInfo)

Now that we have calculated the test parameters we can plot the test information

First let’s get a horizontal line to show where the algorithms median ability lies

alg_median <- fit_summary_theta %>% 
  mutate(Algorithm=algorithms) %>% 
  select(Algorithm, median) 
test_information_df %>% 
  dplyr::select(theta, pars, TestInfo) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = 'pars', values_from = 'TestInfo') %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=theta)) +
  geom_vline(data=alg_median, aes(xintercept=median,color=Algorithm),linetype='dashed')+
    title='Test Information Curve (PBO)',
    x=unname(TeX("Ability ($\\theta$)")),
    y='Test information',
    color='Algorithm median'
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom')