Chapter 4 Re-analysis 2

This reanalysis is based on the paper:

Huskisson, S.M., Jacobson, S.L., Egelkamp, C.L. et al. Using a Touchscreen Paradigm to Evaluate Food Preferences and Response to Novel Photographic Stimuli of Food in Three Primate Species (Gorilla gorilla gorilla, Pan troglodytes, and Macaca fuscata). Int J Primatol 41, 5–23 (2020).

PATH_TO_CMDSTAN <- paste(Sys.getenv("HOME"), '/.cmdstan/cmdstan-2.27.0', sep = '')

4.1 Importing the data

The data from this paper was made available upon request and below we exemplify a few rows of how the original dataset looks like

d <- readr::read_csv('data/touchscreen.csv')

Previewing how the data looks like

dplyr::sample_n(d, size = 10) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption='Sample of how the dataset looks like') %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 4.1: Sample of how the dataset looks like
date species_type SubjectCode Sex Trial image1 image2 image_chosen concat_test_name
10/12/17 Gorilla Gorilla1 Male 2 Ap Cu Ap ApCu
8/31/17 Gorilla Gorilla3 Male 16 Ca To To CaTo
8/16/17 Gorilla Gorilla5 Female 16 Cu Gr Cu CuGr
11/13/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee3 Female 14 Ap Ca Ca ApCa
4/11/17 Gorilla Gorilla3 Male 15 Ca Cu Ca CaCu
1/22/18 Macaque Macaque7 Female 1 Ca Pe Pe CaPe
1/5/17 Gorilla Gorilla4 Male 28 Ca Tu Tu CaTu
3/3/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee1 Female 19 Cu Gr Gr CuGr
12/4/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee1 Female 27 Ap Tu Tu ApTu
5/1/17 Gorilla Gorilla6 Male 14 Ca Tu Ca CaTu

Now we need to modify a bit the data frame to create a column with the results as 0 and 1.

Creating a numerical result vector with 0 for image1 and 1 for image2

d <- d %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(y =ifelse(image_chosen==image1, 0, 1))

Adding names to the abbreviations

d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "Ca" = 'Carrot')
d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "Cu" = 'Cucumber')
d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "Tu" = 'Turnip')
d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "Gr" = 'Grape')
d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "To" = 'Tomato')
d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "Ap" = 'Apple')
d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "Jp" = 'Jungle Pellet')
d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "Ce" = 'Celery')
d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "Gb" = 'Green Beans')
d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "Oa" = 'Oats')
d$image1 <- dplyr::recode(d$image1, "Pe" = 'Peanuts')

d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "Ca" = 'Carrot')
d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "Cu" = 'Cucumber')
d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "Tu" = 'Turnip')
d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "Gr" = 'Grape')
d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "To" = 'Tomato')
d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "Ap" = 'Apple')
d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "Jp" = 'Jungle Pellet')
d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "Ce" = 'Celery')
d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "Gb" = 'Green Beans')
d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "Oa" = 'Oats')
d$image2 <- dplyr::recode(d$image2, "Pe" = 'Peanuts')

Separating the data into three datasets. One for each species.

macaque <- d %>% 

chip <- d %>% 

gor <- d %>% 

Below we show a few lines of each dataset:

dplyr::sample_n(gor, size = 10) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption='Sample of how the gorilla dataset looks like') %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 4.2: Sample of how the gorilla dataset looks like
date species_type SubjectCode Sex Trial image1 image2 image_chosen concat_test_name y
3/3/17 Gorilla Gorilla2 Male 31 Cucumber Tomato To CuTo 1
11/8/17 Gorilla Gorilla6 Male 6 Tomato Turnip To ToTu 0
3/20/17 Gorilla Gorilla2 Male 6 Grape Tomato To GrTo 1
3/8/17 Gorilla Gorilla6 Male 20 Carrot Grape Ca CaGr 0
8/23/17 Gorilla Gorilla5 Female 4 Cucumber Grape Cu CuGr 0
5/25/17 Gorilla Gorilla4 Male 19 Carrot Cucumber Ca CaCu 0
8/3/17 Gorilla Gorilla6 Male 14 Carrot Tomato To CaTo 1
8/23/17 Gorilla Gorilla5 Female 24 Cucumber Grape Gr CuGr 1
12/7/16 Gorilla Gorilla2 Male 28 Cucumber Turnip Cu CuTu 0
5/25/17 Gorilla Gorilla1 Male 4 Carrot Cucumber Ca CaCu 0
dplyr::sample_n(chip, size = 10) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption='Sample of how the chimpanzees dataset looks like') %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 4.3: Sample of how the chimpanzees dataset looks like
date species_type SubjectCode Sex Trial image1 image2 image_chosen concat_test_name y
3/1/18 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee4 Male 3 Apple Carrot Ap ApCa 0
12/7/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee1 Female 18 Carrot Tomato To CaTo 1
4/26/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee3 Female 7 Cucumber Turnip Cu CuTu 0
11/1/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee1 Female 19 Apple Grape Gr ApGr 1
7/26/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee3 Female 20 Cucumber Grape Cu CuGr 0
10/26/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee1 Female 7 Apple Grape Gr ApGr 1
9/18/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee4 Male 27 Carrot Grape Gr CaGr 1
12/8/16 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee1 Female 12 Cucumber Turnip Cu CuTu 0
12/14/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee3 Female 14 Tomato Turnip To ToTu 0
1/12/17 Chimpanzee Chimpanzee4 Male 21 Cucumber Turnip Tu CuTu 1
dplyr::sample_n(macaque, size = 10) %>% 
  knitr::kable(caption='Sample of how the macaques dataset looks like') %>% 
  kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 4.4: Sample of how the macaques dataset looks like
date species_type SubjectCode Sex Trial image1 image2 image_chosen concat_test_name y
10/6/17 Macaque Macaque6 Female 10 Jungle Pellet Celery Jp CeJp 0
Macaque Macaque1 Male 12 Carrot Celery Ca CeCa 0
Macaque Macaque1 Male 8 Peanuts Oats Pe PeOa 0
8/7/17 Macaque Macaque3 Female 1 Peanuts Celery Ce CePe 1
Macaque Macaque1 Male 1 Celery Green Beans Gb GbCe 1
1/16/18 Macaque Macaque7 Female 14 Carrot Peanuts Ca CaPe 0
Macaque Macaque1 Male 28 Carrot Green Beans Ca GbCa 0
9/7/17 Macaque Macaque6 Female 2 Carrot Celery Ca CeCa 0
8/14/17 Macaque Macaque2 Female 14 Carrot Peanuts Pe CaPe 1
5/24/18 Macaque Macaque4 Female 17 Jungle Pellet Oats Jp JpOa 0

4.2 Simple Bradley-Terry model

Now that the data is ready let’s fit three simple Bayesian Bradley-Terry models

m1_macaque <-
    player0 = 'image1',
    player1 = 'image2',
    result_column = 'y',
    model_type = 'bt',
    priors = list(prior_lambda_std = 3.0),
    iter = 3000,
    show_chain_messages = T
save_bpc_model(m1_macaque, 'm1_macaque', './fittedmodels')

m1_chip <-
    player0 = 'image1',
    player1 = 'image2',
    result_column = 'y',
    model_type = 'bt',
    priors = list(prior_lambda_std = 3.0),
    iter = 3000,
    show_chain_messages = T
save_bpc_model(m1_chip, 'm1_chip', './fittedmodels')

m1_gor <-
    player0 = 'image1',
    player1 = 'image2',
    result_column = 'y',
    model_type = 'bt',
    priors = list(prior_lambda_std = 3.0),
    iter = 3000,
    show_chain_messages = T
save_bpc_model(m1_gor, 'm1_gor', './fittedmodels')

4.2.1 Assessing the fitness of the model

Here we are illustrating how to conduct the diagnostic analysis for one model only. Since the shinystan app does not appear in the compiled appendix we are just representing it here once for the Chimpanzees model. Note that it is still possible to use the bayesplot package to generate static figures if needed.

#First we get the posterior predictive in the environment
pp_m1_chip <- posterior_predictive(m1_chip, n = 100)
y_pp_m1_chip <- pp_m1_chip_gor$y
ypred_pp_m1_chip <- pp_m1_chip$y_pred

Then we launch shinystan to assess convergence and validity of the model (e.g.)


We can also do some quick checks with:

## Processing csv files: /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131150-1-43ae25.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131150-2-43ae25.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131150-3-43ae25.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131150-4-43ae25.csv
## Checking sampler transitions treedepth.
## Treedepth satisfactory for all transitions.
## Checking sampler transitions for divergences.
## No divergent transitions found.
## Checking E-BFMI - sampler transitions HMC potential energy.
## E-BFMI satisfactory.
## Effective sample size satisfactory.
## Split R-hat values satisfactory all parameters.
## Processing complete, no problems detected.
## Processing csv files: /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131120-1-5538ef.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131120-2-5538ef.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131120-3-5538ef.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131120-4-5538ef.csv
## Checking sampler transitions treedepth.
## Treedepth satisfactory for all transitions.
## Checking sampler transitions for divergences.
## No divergent transitions found.
## Checking E-BFMI - sampler transitions HMC potential energy.
## E-BFMI satisfactory.
## Effective sample size satisfactory.
## Split R-hat values satisfactory all parameters.
## Processing complete, no problems detected.
## Processing csv files: /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131238-1-8085bd.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131238-2-8085bd.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131238-3-8085bd.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131238-4-8085bd.csv
## Checking sampler transitions treedepth.
## Treedepth satisfactory for all transitions.
## Checking sampler transitions for divergences.
## No divergent transitions found.
## Checking E-BFMI - sampler transitions HMC potential energy.
## E-BFMI satisfactory.
## Effective sample size satisfactory.
## Split R-hat values satisfactory all parameters.
## Processing complete, no problems detected.

4.2.2 Getting the WAIC

Before we start getting the parameters tables and etc let’s get the WAIC so we can compare with the next model (with random effects)

## Computed from 12000 by 8400 log-likelihood matrix
##           Estimate    SE
## elpd_waic  -3550.7  56.9
## p_waic         5.0   0.1
## waic        7101.4 113.8
## Computed from 12000 by 5400 log-likelihood matrix
##           Estimate   SE
## elpd_waic  -3599.7 17.0
## p_waic         5.0  0.0
## waic        7199.4 34.0
## Computed from 12000 by 8100 log-likelihood matrix
##           Estimate   SE
## elpd_waic  -4883.7 36.0
## p_waic         5.0  0.1
## waic        9767.3 72.0

4.3 Bradley-Terry model with random effects for individuals

Let’s add the cluster SubjectCode as a random effects in our model

m2_macaque <-
    player0 = 'image1',
    player1 = 'image2',
    result_column = 'y',
    model_type = 'bt-U',
    cluster = c('SubjectCode'),
    priors = list(
      prior_lambda_std = 1.0,
      prior_U1_std = 1.0
    iter = 3000,
    show_chain_messages = T
save_bpc_model(m2_macaque, 'm2_macaque', './fittedmodels')

m2_chip <-
    player0 = 'image1',
    player1 = 'image2',
    cluster = c('SubjectCode'),
    result_column = 'y',
    model_type = 'bt-U',
    priors = list(
      prior_lambda_std = 1.0,
      prior_U1_std = 1.0
    iter = 3000,
    show_chain_messages = T
save_bpc_model(m2_chip, 'm2_chip', './fittedmodels')

m2_gor <-
    player0 = 'image1',
    player1 = 'image2',
    cluster = c('SubjectCode'),
    result_column = 'y',
    model_type = 'bt-U',
    priors = list(
      prior_lambda_std = 1.0,
      prior_U1_std = 1.0
    iter = 3000,
    show_chain_messages = T
save_bpc_model(m2_gor, 'm2_gor', './fittedmodels')

Of course we should run diagnostic analysis on the models. For the gorillas


We can also do some quick checks with:

## Processing csv files: /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131533-1-7cb3c6.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131533-2-7cb3c6.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131533-3-7cb3c6.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131533-4-7cb3c6.csv
## Checking sampler transitions treedepth.
## Treedepth satisfactory for all transitions.
## Checking sampler transitions for divergences.
## No divergent transitions found.
## Checking E-BFMI - sampler transitions HMC potential energy.
## E-BFMI satisfactory.
## Effective sample size satisfactory.
## Split R-hat values satisfactory all parameters.
## Processing complete, no problems detected.
## Processing csv files: /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131424-1-46c43b.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131424-2-46c43b.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131424-3-46c43b.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131424-4-46c43b.csv
## Checking sampler transitions treedepth.
## Treedepth satisfactory for all transitions.
## Checking sampler transitions for divergences.
## No divergent transitions found.
## Checking E-BFMI - sampler transitions HMC potential energy.
## E-BFMI satisfactory.
## Effective sample size satisfactory.
## Split R-hat values satisfactory all parameters.
## Processing complete, no problems detected.
## Processing csv files: /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131624-1-574b12.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131624-2-574b12.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131624-3-574b12.csv, /Users/xramor/OneDrive/2021/bpcs-online-appendix/.bpcs/bt-202109131624-4-574b12.csv
## Checking sampler transitions treedepth.
## Treedepth satisfactory for all transitions.
## Checking sampler transitions for divergences.
## No divergent transitions found.
## Checking E-BFMI - sampler transitions HMC potential energy.
## E-BFMI satisfactory.
## Effective sample size satisfactory.
## Split R-hat values satisfactory all parameters.
## Processing complete, no problems detected.

4.3.1 Getting the WAIC

Before we start plotting tables let’s get the WAIC for each random effects model and compare with the first models without random effects

## Computed from 12000 by 8400 log-likelihood matrix
##           Estimate    SE
## elpd_waic  -3356.3  57.1
## p_waic        32.6   0.8
## waic        6712.5 114.2
## Computed from 12000 by 5400 log-likelihood matrix
##           Estimate   SE
## elpd_waic  -3360.0 24.1
## p_waic        19.7  0.3
## waic        6720.0 48.3
## Computed from 12000 by 8100 log-likelihood matrix
##           Estimate   SE
## elpd_waic  -4396.3 40.1
## p_waic        29.4  0.4
## waic        8792.5 80.2

Below I just copied the result of the WAIC into a data frame to create the tables. Of course this process could be automated.

waic_table <-
    Species = c('Macaques', 'Chimpanzees', 'Gorillas'),
    BT = c(7101.5, 7199.4, 9767.2),
    BTU = c(6712.6, 6720.0, 8792.9)

The kableExtra package provides some nice tools to create tables from R directly to Latex

  waic_table,  booktabs=T,
  caption = 'Comparison of the WAIC of the Bradley-Terry model and the Bradley-Terry model with random effects on the subjects for each specie.',
  col.names = c('Specie', 'Bradley-Terry', 'Bradley-Terry with random effects')
) %>%
  kableExtra::add_header_above(c(" " = 1, "WAIC" = 2)) %>%
  kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 4.5: Comparison of the WAIC of the Bradley-Terry model and the Bradley-Terry model with random effects on the subjects for each specie.
Specie Bradley-Terry Bradley-Terry with random effects
Macaques 7101.5 6712.6
Chimpanzees 7199.4 6720.0
Gorillas 9767.2 8792.9

We can see that the random effects model perform much better than the simple BT model by having a much lower WAIC. Therefore from now we will use only the random effects model to generate our tables and plots

4.3.2 Parameter tables and plots

Now let’s create some plots and tables to analyze and compare the models Parameters table

Creating a nice table of the parameters.

First let’s put all species in the same data frame

df1 <- get_parameters(m2_macaque, n_eff = T, keep_par_name = F)
df2 <- get_parameters(m2_chip, n_eff = T, keep_par_name = F)
df3 <- get_parameters(m2_gor, n_eff = T, keep_par_name = F)

df1 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(Species='Macaque')
df2 <- df2 %>% dplyr::mutate(Species='Chimpanzees')
df3 <- df3 %>% dplyr::mutate(Species='Gorilla')

#appending the dataframes
df <- rbind(df1,df2,df3)

#Removing the individual random effects parameters otherwise the table will be much bigger
df <- df %>% 

rownames(df) <- NULL

Now let’s create the table by removing the species column and adding some row Headers for the species

(df %>% select(-Species) %>% 
kable( caption = 'Parameters of the random effects model with 95% HPD and the number of effective samples.', digits = 2, col.names = c('Parameter', 'Mean', 'Median', 'HPD lower', 'HPD upper', 'N. Eff. Samples'), row.names = NA) %>% 
kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>% 
  kableExtra::pack_rows("Macaque", 1, 6) %>%
  kableExtra::pack_rows("Chimpanzees", 7, 13) %>% 
  kableExtra::pack_rows("Gorilla", 14, 20) %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 4.6: Parameters of the random effects model with 95% HPD and the number of effective samples.
Parameter Mean Median HPD lower HPD upper N. Eff. Samples
Carrot 0.12 0.12 -0.78 1.01 8222
Celery -2.27 -2.27 -3.21 -1.41 7928
Jungle Pellet 1.23 1.23 0.36 2.16 7772
Oats -0.90 -0.89 -1.78 0.02 7856
Peanuts 2.01 2.01 1.09 2.88 7855
Green Beans -0.17 -0.16 -1.08 0.70 8137
U1_std 0.58 0.57 0.42 0.76 4487
Apple 0.03 0.03 -1.01 1.04 11102
Tomato 0.33 0.33 -0.71 1.30 11361
Carrot -0.21 -0.21 -1.19 0.83 11334
Grape 0.61 0.62 -0.37 1.66 11549
Cucumber -0.32 -0.32 -1.31 0.73 11198
Turnip -0.43 -0.43 -1.42 0.59 11066
U1_std 0.72 0.70 0.48 1.00 4933
Apple 0.03 0.03 -0.93 1.01 13610
Carrot -0.11 -0.11 -1.07 0.91 13400
Grape 0.87 0.88 -0.14 1.85 14689
Tomato 0.86 0.87 -0.11 1.82 12715
Cucumber -0.70 -0.71 -1.74 0.23 13831
Turnip -0.94 -0.94 -1.92 0.04 13596
U1_std 0.78 0.77 0.56 1.03 4943 Rank table

Rank of the food preferences

rank1 <- get_rank_of_players_df(m2_macaque)
rank2 <- get_rank_of_players_df(m2_chip)
rank3 <- get_rank_of_players_df(m2_gor)

#appending the dataframes
rank_all <- rbind(rank1,rank2,rank3)

Now let’s create the rank table

(rank_all %>% 
kable( caption = 'Ranking of the food preferences per specie for the random effects model.', digits = 2, col.names = c('Food', 'Median Rank', 'Mean Rank', 'Std. Rank')) %>% 
kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>% 
  kableExtra::pack_rows("Macaque", 1, 6) %>%
  kableExtra::pack_rows("Chimpanzees", 7, 12) %>% 
  kableExtra::pack_rows("Gorilla", 13, 18) %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 4.7: Ranking of the food preferences per specie for the random effects model.
Food Median Rank Mean Rank Std. Rank
Peanuts 1 1.00 0.05
Jungle Pellet 2 2.00 0.05
Carrot 3 3.17 0.38
Green Beans 4 3.84 0.39
Oats 5 4.99 0.09
Celery 6 6.00 0.00
Grape 1 1.49 0.82
Tomato 2 2.26 1.08
Apple 3 3.33 1.24
Carrot 4 4.20 1.23
Cucumber 5 4.63 1.22
Turnip 5 5.10 1.08
Grape 1 1.53 0.60
Tomato 2 1.57 0.58
Apple 3 3.40 0.70
Carrot 4 3.67 0.71
Cucumber 5 5.18 0.66
Turnip 6 5.65 0.55 Plot

Now let’s use ggplot to create a plot comparing both types of model. The simple BT and the BT with Random effects

First we need to prepare the data frames for plotting. For the simple BT model (called old)

df1_old <- get_parameters(m1_macaque, n_eff = F, keep_par_name = F)
df2_old <- get_parameters(m1_chip, n_eff = F, keep_par_name = F)
df3_old <- get_parameters(m1_gor, n_eff = F, keep_par_name = F)

df1_old <- df1_old %>% dplyr::mutate(Species='Macaque', Model='Simple')
df2_old <- df2_old %>% dplyr::mutate(Species='Chimpanzees', Model='Simple')
df3_old <- df3_old %>% dplyr::mutate(Species='Gorilla', Model='Simple')

#appending the dataframes
df_old <- rbind(df1_old,df2_old,df3_old)

#Removing the individual random effects parameters
df_old <- df_old %>% 
rownames(df_old) <- NULL

For the BT with random effects

df1 <- get_parameters(m2_macaque, n_eff = F, keep_par_name = F)
df2 <- get_parameters(m2_chip, n_eff = F, keep_par_name = F)
df3 <- get_parameters(m2_gor, n_eff = F, keep_par_name = F)

df1 <- df1 %>% dplyr::mutate(Species='Macaque', Model='RandomEffects')
df2 <- df2 %>% dplyr::mutate(Species='Chimpanzees', Model='RandomEffects')
df3 <- df3 %>% dplyr::mutate(Species='Gorilla', Model='RandomEffects')

#appending the dataframes
df <- rbind(df1,df2,df3)

#Removing the individual random effects parameters
df <- df %>% 
rownames(df) <- NULL

Now we can merge them in a single data frame for ggplot

#appending the dataframes
out <- rbind(df, df_old)
#To order in ggplot we need to specify the order in the levels. We want to place the first model first and the random effects second
out$Model<-factor(out$Model, levels=c('Simple','RandomEffects'))

# Defining a black-gray palette:
cbp1 <- c("#000000", "#999999")

#Using the pointrange function to define the HPD intervals
ggplot(out, aes(x=Parameter))+
        ymin = HPD_lower,
        ymax = HPD_higher,
        y = Mean,
           position=position_dodge(width=1))+ #separating the two models (so they are not plotted overlapping)
  labs(title = 'Parameters estimates with the 95% HPD interval',
       y = 'Worth value',
        x = 'Food')+
  facet_grid(~Species) + #Dividing the plot into three by species
  theme_bw()+ # A black and white theme
  # scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis( = 2)) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))+#small adjustments to the theme
  scale_colour_manual(values = cbp1) #applying the color palette Probability of selecting a novel stimuli

We will create a the table of the predictions of selecting a novel stimuli (compared to the trained ones). This is replication of table II of the original paper (of course the results are not the same since we are using different models and estimation values)

For that, we first create a data frame of the new predictions for each species. Since our model uses random effects and we would need to specify each random effect to make the predictions we will do something slightly different. We will consider that the random effects will be zero, that is, which is equivalent to the average value of the random effects (remember that it has a mean of zero). One way to achieve this is by using the obtained coefficients in a submodel. This can be done in the bpcs package by using the model_type option.

We ask for the data frame instead of the table because we will assemble the table manually.

# Create a data frame with all the pairs of food that we want to calculate
pairs_gor <-
    image2 = c(
    image1 = c(

pairs_chip <-
    image2 = c(
    image1 = c(

pairs_macaque <-
    image2 = c(
      'Green Beans',
      'Green Beans',
      'Green Beans',
      'Green Beans'
    image1 = c(
      'Jungle Pellet',
      'Jungle Pellet',

prob_chip <-
    newdata = pairs_chip,
    model_type = 'bt')

prob_macaque <-
    newdata = pairs_macaque, 
    model_type = 'bt')

prob_gor <-
    newdata = pairs_gor, 
    model_type = 'bt')

#merging in a single df
prob_table <- rbind(prob_gor, prob_chip, prob_macaque)

Now we can create the table

prob_table <- prob_table %>%
  mutate(Probability = i_beats_j,
         OddsRatio = Probability / (1 - Probability))

prob_table %>%
  dplyr::select(i, j, Probability, OddsRatio) %>%
    caption = 'Posterior probabilities of the novel stimuli i being selected over the trained stimuli j',
    booktabs = T,
    digits = 2,
    col.names = c('Item i', 'Item j', 'Probability', 'Odds Ratio')
  ) %>%
  kableExtra::kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive")) %>%
  kableExtra::pack_rows("Gorilla", 1, 8) %>%
  kableExtra::pack_rows("Chimpanzee", 9, 16) %>%
  kableExtra::pack_rows("Macaque", 17, 24) %>% 
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Table 4.8: Posterior probabilities of the novel stimuli i being selected over the trained stimuli j
Item i Item j Probability Odds Ratio
Apple Cucumber 0.63 1.70
Apple Grape 0.29 0.41
Apple Turnip 0.77 3.35
Apple Carrot 0.56 1.27
Tomato Cucumber 0.84 5.25
Tomato Grape 0.50 1.00
Tomato Turnip 0.87 6.69
Tomato Carrot 0.70 2.33
Apple Cucumber 0.56 1.27
Apple Grape 0.31 0.45
Apple Turnip 0.61 1.56
Apple Carrot 0.53 1.13
Tomato Cucumber 0.64 1.78
Tomato Grape 0.39 0.64
Tomato Turnip 0.73 2.70
Tomato Carrot 0.52 1.08
Oats Celery 0.73 2.70
Oats Jungle Pellet 0.08 0.09
Oats Peanuts 0.01 0.01
Oats Carrot 0.25 0.33
Green Beans Celery 0.93 13.29
Green Beans Jungle Pellet 0.22 0.28
Green Beans Peanuts 0.17 0.20
Green Beans Carrot 0.49 0.96