Plot Panels in R (from brms models)
This week I had to make a panel with results from 5 different brms
models in R. The ggplot2
allows you to do facet_wraps
to create a panel with multiple plots but it also requires that you have a well formated dataframe.
provides some functions to create conditional effects plots. The plots are ready and can be easily customized with ggplot2
. While the package offers functions to retrieve the data frame, I did not want to recreate the plots. They were already fine.
As a solution comes the excelent package patchwork
. This package allows you to place plots in a grid with many customizations.
In this post, I will walk through the steps to make the final figure below:
The first step is to generate each plot individually, as you want them to look like. E.g. for the first plot (top-left). The mm_f
is the name of the brms
habits_ff <- plot(conditional_effects(m_ff, effects="fa_habits",categorical = T))[[1]] +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,1)) +
title = "FF",
fill = "Response",
colour = "Response")+
To remove the text labels in the x and y axis, as well as the title of some figures, I removed when plotting each one individually (using element_blank()
in the theme). E.g.:
subjective_rtsba <- plot(conditional_effects(m_rtsba, effects="fa_subj",categorical = T))[[1]] +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,1)) +
labs(x="Subjective norm",
fill = "Response",
colour = "Response")+
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_blank(),
We do that for every plot and in the figure (lots of copy paste). Then we assemble each variable individually with patchwork
. I used plot_layout(nrow=1)
to make sure we have only 1 row.
habits <- (habits_ff + habits_rtsba + habits_rtsbb + habits_comb + habits_p2p ) +
After doing this for every variable (Habits, Climate, Subjective norm, Trust and Control) we can assemble these five panels in a single figure also with patchwork
. I used the options collect
to have only one legend and position it in the bottom.
panel <- (habits / climate/ subjective / trust /control) +
plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
theme(legend.position = 'bottom')
I exported everything as pdf A4 figure using the export buttom in the plots panel in RStudio.
I hope that helps others when creating complex but reproducible figures in R (as opposed to gluing them in Photoshop =D).