bpcs - release v.1.1

A new release of the bpcs package is available in Github. This release introduces new models and correct some bugs. This release will be submitted to CRAN (not there yet) and the on-going paper we are writing is based on this release.

The GYSS started this week

The Global Youth Scientists Summit (GYSS) conference started this week. The GYSS is a gathering of PhD students and post-docs of al over the world to discuss and hear from top scientists and leaders.

bpcs - release v.1.0.1

This is a minor release to streamline the usage of the bpcs package, correct a few bugs and add publication-ready functions for tables and figures

The bpcs package is now on CRAN

After some months of work the bpcs package is at version v1.0.0 and is available on CRAN (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=bpcs). Now we can easily run Bayesian inference on Bradley-Terry models (including many extensions).

New website

As I am finishing now my PhD, I decided it was time to have a personal website with a section to create some small personal blog posts, update my cv etc.